With a proud and heavy heart, All Authors Publishing House presents the final installment of the Concordant Vibrancy collection, entitled “Extancy”. Eight exceptional talents intermingle to share their interpretations on the following question: “What intangible elixir is paramount to one’s survival?”

  • C. Desert Rose expands on the elixir of Awareness in her essay "Frequencies Towards Illumination".

  • Carol Cassada outlines the amount of Strength to tackle the medically unexpected in "Caregiver".

  • Beem Weeks explores the swiftness of Adaptation in his story "Five Minutes".

  • Da’Kharta Rising elicits dark humor and strange situations as the ingredients for Felicity in "The Unmasking".

  • Adonis Mann illuminates the subjectivity of Unity in "Axis … Redefined".

  • All Optimism needs is a window of opportunity to flourish, as demonstrated in Synful Desire’s tale, "Rome’s Debris".

  • Evolution is an intangible necessity through the many reincarnations showcased in "The Itinerant" by Queen of Spades.

  • The synergy of the aforementioned elements from Concordant Vibrancy I - IV are given lives of their own through "Soul Searching" by Y. Correa.